About us

We are passionate about people development (and about many other things). Our diverse backgrounds allow us to resonate with all kinds of clients on different topics.

You can read more about each of us below.

Eva Blechová

IMG_4063_hotovaEva is an executive coach, trainer, and program designer with more than twenty years of international business experience. Eva coaches and trains worldwide for Mab Partners as well as for the Ariel Group. Clients appreciate her supportive, open and fun approach.

Before concentrating on leadership development, Eva was a consultant with McKinsey & Co as well as Chef de Cabinet to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

These days, Eva puts her energy into making documentaries and writing plays, cycling and watching Bollywood movies.

She studied Psychology (B.A.), Business (M.A.) and Theatre (PhD).

LinkedIn profile

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What others are saying

What do clients say about Eva (in a wordcloud summary)

blechová mab

What do clients say about Eva (in full quotes)? 

Eva is a real asset in Coaching. Over the last 6 months, in which I had the pleasure to work with her, I did significant steps in getting to know myself better, knowing and improving my strengths and working on my improvement potentials. With the support of Eva, I have found new ways to be more confident of who I am, reflect more about myself and adapt to my environment. In short, to be a better person – in business but also in private life.

Kai Kimmel, Finance Director, Tetra Pak, Belgrade

Eva prepared a tailor-made coaching program for my situation, that is why it worked so perfectly.

Management consultant

I spent quite a few hours in inspirational discussions with Eva about my intrinsic motivation, my development and further goals. Thanks to her empathy combined with an ability for a big picture view, I managed to learn a great deal about myself as well as new ideas.

C-level manager of a major financial institution

Eva made me really think hard and deep about my professional and personal priorities. She opened new horizons and helped me move to different track of professional life

Top manager in an IT company

Coaching with Eva was a very good investment. It created a precious space for thinking about myself in many ways – it helped me achieve my business goals, as well as increase my satisfaction at work. Thank you.

Managing Director of a manufacturing company

Eva has a wonderful ability to bring out creativity and depth out of the whole class. She created a fun and open environment.

Steve, participant in a workshop for IBM in Paris, France

Eva made us all feel safe. Talking about my life was risky. She made it OK. I undertook activities that I would never have agreed to ahead of time. Yet it was wonderful – a real stretch for me.

Sharon, participant in a workshop for Harvard Executive Education, Cambridge, USA

Eva was so good in creating a safe environment for a very nerve wracking session. Quite honestly one of the best experiences I’ve had in a classroom, EVER.

Tom, participant in a workshop for American Express, New Delhi, India